Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Atomic Layer Deposition for 2D Materials and Devices

5th September 2017

About this Webinar

Dr Knoops and Dr Neumaier discuss how ALD can be used to grow various materials such as dielectrics on 2D materials and how it can also be used to directly (or indirectly) grow other materials.


Meet the Presenters

Dr Harm Knoops

Dr Harm Knoops
Atomic Scale Segment Specialist, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology

Dr Harm Knoops is the Atomic Scale Segment Specialist at Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology and holds a part-time assistant professorship position at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His current work covers the fields of (plasma-based) synthesis of thin films, advanced diagnostics and understanding and developing plasma ALD.

His main goals are to improve and advance atomic scale processes and applications for Oxford Instruments and its customers. His recent involvement in applying RF substrate biasing during plasma ALD and the growth of 2D-MoS2 by plasma ALD have been well-received by the field.


Prof. Daniel Neumaier

Prof. Daniel Neumaier
Professor for Sensor Systems and Scientific Advisor, AMO

Daniel obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of Regensburg in 2009. In the same year, he joined AMO GmbH and become the head of the graphene group, focusing on the exploitation of two-dimensional materials for electronic photonic and sensor applications. His expertise falls in the field of semiconductor processing, solid-state electronics and optoelectronic devices.  He is the leader of the work-package on Electronic Devices of the Graphene Flagship (since 2013) and is coordinating the FET Open Project ORIGENAL.

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