Part of the Oxford Instruments Group
Techncial Training Courses

Level 2 (Intermediate)

Equipment and Maintenance Technical Training Courses - Level 2 (Intermediate) 

Level 2 (Intermediate) technical training courses suitable for maintenance or equipment engineers seeking to expand their knowledge of system components and software in Plasma and Ion Beam platforms. Intermediate level courses are typically suitable for individuals with a basic familiarity of our systems’ hardware and software.

If you require a Level 1 (Introductory) technical ]training course for our systems, please visit the Level 1 (Introductory) Courses webpage. For customers requiring self-sufficiency in maintenance and diagnosis of system hardware issues, please visit the Level 3 (Advanced) Courses webpage. Specialist Process and Handler Technical Training Courses can be found here Specialist Training Modules for all Levels.

Ionfab, the Ion Beam Etching & Deposition system

Plasma Equipment Technical Training Course

A detailed examination and exploration of multiple hardware blocks, software diagnostic options, and electrical schematics of your plasma system.

You'll learn how to:

  • Benchmark tool performance prior to maintenance
  • Implement essential procedures, such as returning the AMU
  • Recognise and isolate hardware issues using service mode
  • Understand the interlock scheme and interpret alarm signals

Ion Beam Equipment Technical Training Course

A detailed examination and exploration of the essential skills required to improve your understanding of the various system software screens, components, and interlock scheme.

You'll learn how to:

  • Use the basic system health checks and benchmarking tool performance
  • Use the software's source controller, states and error codes
  • Use and maintain the ion source, grids, and neutraliser
  • Understand fault diagnosis example scenarios and interpreting alarm signals appropriately

Plasma Maintenance Technical Training Course

You'll learn how to:

  • Benchmark tool performance and make health checks to the Plasma systems.
  • Disassemble and rebuild electrode and source
  • Identify main hardware blocks and internal electrical structure
  • Understand theoretical units on the interlock scheme, PLC and RF
  • Use Logviewer/Activity Explorer and diagnostic viewer/DiagnosticsIQ to identify faulty hardware
  • Practice diagnostic skills with a range of pre-set fault scenarios

The course can be adapted to suit the background, experience and needs of those attending. 


Ion Beam Maintenance Technical Training Course

You'll learn how to:

  • Benchmark tool performance and make health checks to the Ion Beam system
  • Disassemble and rebuild ion source, neutraliser, and grids for Ion Beam Platforms
  • Use the machinery standard safety circuit for Ion Beam
  • Understand the source state controller to aid isolation of system hardware failures
  • Practice diagnostic skills with a range of pre-set fault scenarios

Additional units of training can be added depending on the needs and experience of those attending. 


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