Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

PTIQ Software

Frequently Asked Question | PTIQ Software

Q: When is PTIQ Software available?

A: PTIQ is available now. Since February 2020, our systems have been quoted, are being built, and leaving the factory with PTIQ. At present, around 75 per cent of our product line is utilising PTIQ, meaning PlasmaPro 100, 80, and 800 are currently set up for the new software. Our new ATOMFAB system also includes PTIQ. Before the end of the year, it will be made available on our Ionfab, Estrelas and Polaris systems.

Q: If I have an etch system and a deposition system, will it be the same software and work the same way?

A: Yes. This was an important goal for the new software to give a consistent look and feel and to find the common actions needed to operate all our systems. There will be a few notable differences, but they relate to the specific technologies involved. This means that, whether the modules exist on the same cluster configuration or are side by side as two separate single module tools, the software will be the exact same.

Q: Does PTIQ work with cluster systems?

A: PTIQ supports our three product families: open-load, single module and cluster systems. All three system types feel and look the same, and operate in a similar manner.

Q: Is PTIQ touch screen compatible?

A: We have designed the software with the view that it will be controlled via a touchscreen, ensuring that with a 24” touchscreen the active areas will be at least 1cm square. Although the SEMI E95 standard is no longer active, it does still serve a purpose in helping to make a touchscreen operator interface for Semiconductor Capital Equipment.

Q: Is PTIQ multi-monitor compatible?

A: This is on our short-term roadmap. We built the software from the ground up with dual monitor support from the beginning, but this is not yet available to be activated in the software as this feature needs a little more work before it is complete.

Q: Can a parameter (e.g., RF) be graded from start and end value through a loop?

A: This feature is in the process of being developed to support the more advanced deep silicon etch processes. Our implementation will be available for all process modules when it is released, not only the Estrelas tool.

Q: Do you have a simulator of this software that we can install in our personal computer for testing or training?

A: Yes, we have a simulator/emulator that can be used for this purpose. For example, it does a very good job of emulating the hardware including some simple algorithms to emulate the physics involved in pressure control.

Find out more about Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology's PTIQ Software on the page.